In fact, Daniel has trouble interpreting some of his own dreams. So it was for our Lord (1 Peter 1:10-12), and so it will be for us. Before the kingdom of God is established on the earth, four earthly kingdoms will rise and fall. The saints (believing Jews when Christ return to earth) will enjoy the kingdom, the fulfillment of Gods promise to Israel.[3] The Popular Bible Prophecy Commentary states that these saints might also include the resurrected Old Testament saints, the martyred tribulation saints, and the tribulation saints who survive the tribulation. (12) No distinction between the first coming of Christ and the second is made in the coming of the eternal kingdom of God. The chapter falls into two major parts. Chapter 2 - The original dream describing the future kingdoms of Babylon, Medo-Persian, Greek, Roman, kingdom of God. Considering this text has changed my opinion about the gap in the prophecies of the Old Testament. His final offspring, so to speak, is the little horn which becomes the great blasphemer, whose life and kingdom is suddenly cut off by the Ancient of Days and the Son of Man. As we consider what we have just learned from Daniels dream and as we look at Daniels response to his dream and the interpretation of it; this should indicate to us that the more we know about the future, the more our hearts should be moved to personal purity. (7) Who is the Ancient of Days? After this chapter, the book returns to the Hebrew language. The expression, son of man, is not new to Daniel nor to the Jews of his day. Both series of four kingdoms begin well and end badly. At this point the revelation ended. Verses 1-14 contain the vision which God gave to Daniel. Daniel was terrified or alarmed by the scenes he had seen in his mind and desired to understand what they meant. God grants this king success and his saints suffering, but only for an appointed time. Daniel 2:26-49 The first of Daniel's four beasts is "like a lion, and it had the wings of an eagle" ( Daniel 7:4 ). Daniel boiled down his vision to its essence, so we would not fail to understand the message he meant to convey to us. Consider these lessons as we conclude. See John F. Walvoord, Daniel: The Key to Prophetic Revelation (Chicago: Moody Press, 1971), p. 149. The saints should expect to suffer because of their faith, especially as the last days for the kingdoms of men draw near. He distinguishes himself by his ability to overcome the whole earth, crushing it under foot. 18 He urged them to plead for mercy from the God of heaven concerning this mystery, so . These horns are also kings, from whom kingdoms arise (verse 24). His dominion is an everlasting dominion Which will not pass away; And His kingdom is one Which will not be destroyed. However, it must have been in the latter part of Nebuchadnezzar's reign. This kings boasting turns to blasphemy. When the Lord Jesus Christ came to earth, having added perfect humanity to His undiminished deity, He spoke of Himself very often as the Son of Man. In the Gospels, Jesus began not only to identify Himself as the Messiah, the promised Son of Man, but also to explain all that this involved. He was chosen by God to speak to the Jews in Babylon and to show them God's future plans. We dare not ignore that which is revealed nor do we dare go too far afield in speculating about what is concealed (see Deuteronomy 29:29; 1 Timothy 1:4; 2 Timothy 2:23). I also told you it corresponded to the dream of Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel chapter 2, but with more detail. His mind was troubled. A look through the Scriptures shows that Daniels response to the prophecies he received was not unique. These both represent Nebuchadnezzar and the Babylonian empire. The entire empire was conquered between 334 and 330 B.C., just four years. For the remainder of Nebuchadnezzars life, it seems that religion in the kingdom of Babylon was at least favorable to the worship of the God of the Jews. Then the time had arrived for the saints to take possession of the kingdom. In the first scene, heavenly winds are employed to whip up the sea from which the four beasts emerges. (1) Why does Daniel indicate the historical setting of the vision he receives in chapter 7? Editing allows an author to set aside details which are not significant and focus on the essence of the message he is trying to communicate. Up to this time, it was simply a synonym for being human, a son of man. Valentina's bond with Sophie, Sid's reaching out to Jesse, and Charlie trying hard to bring Sid and Jesse back together so that the group can go back to being their normal selves and not be an awkward bunch of people not wanting to discuss actual problems. 1. Daniel, a godly prophet and a man of unshakable faith, has been steadfast in his daily walk of fellowship with God throughout the first six chapters of the Book of Daniel. (6) None of the kings or the kingdoms are identified. According to our text, the prophecies of Daniel 7 will not be fulfilled for a considerable period of time. The three and a half years referred to here in Daniel is the last half of the tribulation, also called the Great Tribulation and the Time of Jacobs Trouble. No wonder interpreters differ about the details. God has revealed in this interpretation what He wants us to know and has kept back that which we need not know. One of those gaps is found in Daniel 7. If you remember as I have already stated, much of the interpretation of this dream could be found in chapter 2. I did not include the insert today because I have already included it several times. The use of the word time in Daniel is understood to be years. 15 And there was given to him to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast might even speak and cause as many as do not worship the image of the beast to be killed (Revelation 13:4, 11-15). Then Daniel went in, and desired of the king that he would give him time, and that he would show the king the interpretation. In the second year of Nebuchadnezzar's rule, he had a dream. Remember Daniel was in his 60s when he received this revelation. Let us listen then, and be sober, enduring the sufferings and trials sent our way, looking expectantly and certainly for His kingdom to come. In spite of all these beasts do and say, in spite of their power and even their success, neither they nor their kingdoms will last. In Gods economy, things are not what they appear to be. The implication here is that this is a repeated dream, one that is . The beast was lifted up and made to stand like a man. The fact that wicked men will prosper and prevail and that the righteous will suffer is hardly pleasant news. 3 While they are saying, Peace and safety! then destruction will come upon them suddenly like birth pangs upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. Alexander the great and his armies did conquer the nations that became a part of his empire swiftly. The account of the writing on the wall and the death of Belshazzar (obviously the last year of his reign) is found in Daniel 5. But here in chapter 7, as in Psalm 80:17, the son of man is more than just a man, He is the Messiah. Does this dream have any significance for us? 74 The personal cost of receiving divine revelation is never underestimated in the Old Testament (cf. Bob is a pastor/teacher and elder at Community Bible Chapel in Richardson, Texas, and has contributed many of his Bible study series for use by the Foundation. Daniel urged them to pray for mercy from the God of heaven, . The second is Daniel's dream. Liberals reject all prophecies, because they require a sovereign God and a miraculous revelation of future events. Would Belshazzar toast the gods of gold, silver, wood and stone with the sacred temple vessels? We have already seen time frame in Revelation referring to half of the seven-year tribulation. Prophecies are given so that we may look at history, especially events occurring in our own lifetime, from Gods perspective. So, this phrase refers to 3 years. (5) Above all, the prophecy in this chapter means precisely what God says it means in this text, nothing more and nothing less. First, the prophecies of Daniel are divinely inspired and revealed, and thus they are true and reliable. It is virtually the opposite of the term beast. The expression, Son of man, is not new to Daniel. Je. The righteous will suffer. He wants to know more about this dreadful beast, different from the rest, especially in the destruction he wrought. Jesus applied this text to them, not as those who would enter into His kingdom, but as those who would be judged at His return. (1) The Book of Daniel is a part of the Holy Scriptures, and thus inspired, accurate, and trustworthy. His followers too must be alert and ready for His return (24:44). (1) It follows the narrative concerning Mishael, Hananiah and Azariah in the matter of Nebuchadnezzar's golden image (Daniel 3). (See Daniel 2:24, Note. An eleventh king then rises to power, different from the others, replacing three of the previous kings. With the death of Nebuchadnezzar comes a change in the peoples attitudes, especially their leaders toward Judaism. 5. 16 At this, Daniel went in to the king and asked for time, so that he might interpret the dream for him." (2:14-16) Notice Daniel's calm in the face of the king's rush to judgment. (1) The troubling dream. From the context, it would seem that Daniels distress is the result of the wickedness and oppression of the world kingdoms which are represented by the beasts, and by the knowledge that the saints will be oppressed and even overcome for a period of time. It would be but a very few years until Cyrus would come to power and assist the Jews to return to Jerusalem and the land of Israel. This is what we need to know from Daniels vision, rather than the identity of the beasts. As Daniel continues to watch, someone descends with the clouds of heaven, one like a Son of Man. He is presented to the Ancient of Days, and to Him is given dominion, glory, and the eternal kingdom. He has shown King Nebuchadnezzar what will happen in days to come. The horn of the beast that made war against the saints was one of 10 kings who prevailed until the Ancient of days came and judged against him in favor of the saints. 8 While I was contemplating the horns, behold, another horn, a little one, came up among them, and three of the first horns were pulled out by the roots before it; and behold, this horn possessed eyes like the eyes of a man, and a mouth uttering great boasts. At the outset of the account of his vision, Daniel wants his reader to know the historical context in which this prophecy was given and to consider its interpretation and application in the light of that context. Suffering is an inseparable part of the process which leads to glory. (3) This chapter contains the major segment of Daniel, which is primarily prophetic, although it does not contain the first prophecy in the Book of Daniel. His thoughts alarm him, and his face pales. 2 And the beast which I saw was like a leopard, and his feet were like those of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion. This angel responded and gave Daniel understanding into his dream as he interpreted it for him. Never in the history of the Roman empire has this happened so it is yet future. The eleventh horn may hope to change the time, but in Gods plan this king is granted a time, times, and half a time three and a half years to oppose and oppress the saints. 4:19; Ezk. With iron-like teeth, horns (some with eyes), and feet, it is utterly destructive. We have talked about several times since starting this series about how studying Bible prophecy should influence you. The seriousness of the prophetic truth personally affected Daniel, motivating godly fear and self-examination. The Ancient of Days is a designation for God, not found elsewhere in the Bible. (6) How important is it for us to identity the kings and the kingdoms mentioned in our text? But I want you to notice Daniels reaction to the dream that he had. 9:1; 12:1, AV, RV), and the book of Daniel insists here and in subsequent chapters (8:27; 10:1, 10, 11, 15, 18) on the anxiety and psychological turmoil involved in receiving, even at Gods hand, understanding of the future course of history. Joyce C. Baldwin, Daniel: An Introduction and Commentary (Downers Grove: Inter-Varsity Press, 1978), p. 143. These are the things Daniel sees in the vision. It should be remembered that many narratives of scripture are related in a very condensed form, fuller details being added afterwards. The statue had a head of gold which corresponds to the first beast Daniel saw and described as a lion with the wings of an eagle. (11) What is the point of the vision? The saints must believe and behave according to what God has promised about the future the righteous will possess the kingdom of God forever. Child-bearing is a process which involves suffering and glory. Humanly speaking, it was impossible for them to have a child. So he told me and made known to me the interpretation of these things: These great beasts, which are four in number, are four kings who will arise from the earth. The precise meaning of the symbols of the raised side and the three ribs is illusive. We have already seen this phrase time, times, and half a time in Revelation. Two weeks ago, we covered the first 14 verses, Daniels summary of his dream. Time: refers to one year, times is understood in Aramaic (the language this chapter was originally written in) to mean a dual or two, so times refers to two years and half a time refers to one half of a year. A true account of what happened can only be gathered by reading Daniel 2:18; Daniel 2:28 by the side of this verse. How easily we turn from what is revealed to speculate about what has been concealed (see Deuteronomy 29:29). And they did! Because of his wisdom, and the favour of God, Daniel rose to a position within the Babylonian government. God is in no hurry to fulfill His promises, whether His promise of the eternal kingdom for all the saints or the promise of eternal destruction and judgment for sinners. As we move into the second half of Daniel 7 and begin to dissect Daniels dream with the help of Gods Word and the help of history past because some of this dream which was yet future for Daniel is past history for us. We could never predict the goals God has determined, nor the means He has ordained for history to reach them. 4 The first was like a lion and had the wings of an eagle. I have heard a number of attempts to explain the gaps in Old Testament prophecy. [4] We of the present Age, the church will reign with Jesus Christ as His bride. Prophecy is always practical and relevant to the person(s) receiving it. Daniel 7 indicates in the clearest way that prior to the coming of the kingdom of God the saints will suffer at the hand of the final horn and even be overpowered by him. Daniel (Daniel 2; 4): As He had done for Joseph, God placed Daniel in a position of power and influence by allowing him to interpret a foreign ruler's dream. Daniel said the king's dream was about a giant statue that was destroyed by a stone cut out of a mountain. The stone cut out of the mountain represented the kingdom of God that would fill the earth. So the king summoned the magicians, enchanters, sorcerers and astrologers to tell him what he had dreamed. Ed, Issue 46, Winter 2023. 13 And he performs great signs, so that he even makes fire come down out of heaven to the earth in the presence of men. Daniel's prophecy was one of hope. Daniel was told that the beasts are kings, but he was not told the identity of any of the kings. We should note Daniels distress in chapter 7 before turning to the other prophecies in Daniel, where we will find that prophecy very often produces distress. (9) The interpretation of Daniels vision comes in two parts, beginning with a general interpretation and then a more specific one based on Daniels questions. And the dragon gave him his power and his throne and great authority. During this ten-nation confederation another ruler will rise as described by the little horn. The kingdom of God will be established and the saints will possess it forever. God also allows the wicked to persist and even to prosper, so that those whom He has chosen might be saved (Romans 9:22-24). In the first use of this expression, being a son of man was contrasted with being God: God is not a man, that He should lie, Nor a son of man, that He should repent; has He said, and will He not do it? So King Nebuchadnezzar honored God's men. The next three are waking visions seen in the presence of angels, followed by an appearance of the Messiah - the Son of Man - to interpret the vision for Daniel. The interpretation of the events Daniel witnessed in his vision is given in its most concise form in verses 17 and 18: The four beasts were four kings, who will arise from the earth. Nebuchadnezzar was the first ruler of Babylon to have contact with Daniel. 3 And I saw one of his heads as if it had been slain, and his fatal wound was healed. These kingdoms go from bad to worse. He couldn't sleep. Where it has not caused distress, it should have. A person should not take credit for what God does through him. The ten horns are of interest to him, but most of all that final horn which arose, surpassing and replacing three others and speaking boastfully. (2) The prophecies of Daniel must be understood in relationship to and in light of the other prophecies of Daniel. (11) A distinction is made between God the Fatherthe Ancient of Days and God the Sonthe Son of Manwith both playing a part in the establishment of the kingdom. He gave Daniel a general summary of the dream, These great beasts, which are four in number, are four kings who will arise from the earth. In more detail, the outline would be as follows: (2) The Divine Interpretation verses 15-28. When the sin and oppression of evil men reaches a predetermined point, God will remove them and establish His promised eternal kingdom. Then He said to me, Son of man, stand on your feet that I may speak with you! (Ezekiel 2:1). However, the Son of Man must first suffer at the hands of men (17:22; 20:18). Affected Daniel, motivating godly fear and self-examination end badly my opinion about future... Into his dream miraculous Revelation of future events armies did conquer the nations that became a part of the which... 4 the first ruler of Babylon, Medo-Persian, Greek, Roman, kingdom God... 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